Airport Travellers Inn & Suites is the best value for money hotel in Calgary. We are a North-East Calgary Hotel. Not only we are the best value for money hotel in Calgary rather we also boasts off our 24 hr front desk, services and beautiful rooms. Cash Deposit Accepted here. So just Pay Cash and enjoy your stay. 🙂
Dining facilities at Hotel Airport Travellers’ Inn & Suites include a restaurant and a cafeteria. The hotel boasts a 24-hour front desk service. An ATM service is also available within the premises. Public areas at Hotel Airport Travellers’ Inn & Suites are comfortably heated and cooled. Hotel guests will appreciate the welcoming services of our multilingual staff. Click here to go to the home page.
Other services: coffee in lobby, coffee shop, complimentary newspapers in lobby, elevator/lift, express check-out, laundry facilities, safe-deposit box (in limited rooms) – front desk, wheelchair accessibility.
Internet: Hotel Airport Travellers’ Inn & Suites provides the following Internet options at the hotel: high-speed wireless access are offered free of charge. Contact us for details. You can also know more about our hotel here. Also feel free to know what our guests say about us. Check out : Testimonial 1, Testimonial 2, Testimonial 3, Testimonial 4, Testimonial 5.